Our Services

We are the most expertise visa service provider for students seeking higher education in abroad. We offer all the services including visa processing, prescription and direction for achieving their dream goal. We help you choose the right destination, course that matches your academic, employment as well as financial circumstances. By providing you with such service, we always consider about your long-term benefits in career. Other than student visa, we are expertise in some other relevant fields. They are -:
• Ticketing
• Forex
• Post-landing services

Travel services

We provide the best travel service with special arrangements for students. We not only take care of your career but also for your needs. We do understand the difficulties in making travel arrangements to abroad countries. Travel to abroad includes many important processes in it and we are well-expertised in providing all type of travel services starting from flight booking to visa arrangement and choosing destination.
By our well-developed and organised contacts with leading service providers in abroad, we take care of all your travel needs. While planning an ideal travel for you, we always consider advance flight booking, exact routes, arrival timing and health insurance with best market rate as we feel that money should never come in the way of success. We care for you and hence we help you in every way to secure a health cover that brings an immense peace of mind in case of any medical emergency while studying overseas.

Travel assistance

We not only provide you the travel guide but also take care of all the basic things that you require at the time of travel. Our extensive contacts tie up with many leading abroad Forex dealers, will provide you best exchange rates and prompt services. We are well-aware about the difficulties faced by a first time traveller and will provide you the pre-departure details which will definitely help you to settle yourself in foreign countries. We provide you the best insurance for your health and travel which can give you a secure life in abroad.
Our travelling assistance service includes -:
• Demand Draft
• Debit cards for international use
• Wire Transfer
• Currency Notes
• Travelling Cheques
• Best exchange Rates

Post-landing service

Our one-to-one point solution has made us unique from other. We never leave our clients with few preparations. We always take care of their perfect settlement in abroad which makes their career easy going. Our experts provide you every type of post-landing service in abroad. After reaching your destination, our counsellors help you to be well adapted in new culture and environment with people from many different cultures. We will also assist you in making your class schedules which will help you to manage your timing and process of study.

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